28 February 2022

Making an impact: [re]boot has changed working lives

In the last two years people who have trained on the [re]boot programme say it has made an impact on their working lives.

According to a recent survey of participants* by the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges, half of respondents felt that the course enhanced their job role within six months of finishing.

[re]boot is a fully-funded training programme for employed adults who want to improve their career status, change roles or work in a new industry. With the impact of Covid, the programme was also offered to those made redundant or at threat of redundancy due to the pandemic.

Funded by the European Social Fund, West Yorkshire’s colleges have delivered training to over 700 individuals in the region with courses in digital, engineering and construction skills.

[re]boot participant survey responses:

  • 94% were satisfied with the course content
  • 96% were satisfied with teaching style
  • 96% were satisfied with the length of their course
  • 93% said the course met their expectations
  • 48% said it had an impact on their working life within six months of completing the course.

Some said that the impact had been an increased salary, more responsibility or a new job in one of the key sectors. Others stated that the course had improved their working life in other ways. For example,

“The company offered me a permanent contract (was previously working via a temp agency).”

“I also managed to become a supervisor for a company I work for on weekends.”

“Gave me a new confidence to apply for a different type of job which I am better suited to.”

“I started my own business.”

The project is due to finish at the end of March and the final few [re]boot courses are accepting last minute registrations. However, the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges will continue to offer fully-funded adult training to people as part of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s new project, Skills Connect.

In the meantime, the following courses have a few remaining places:



Digital courses at Calderdale College

*20% response rate


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