19 December 2016

Season's Greetings and End of Year Summary

As the end of the year fast approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our members and partners a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

2016 has been a significant year for the Consortium, here we’ve captured a number of key highlights and milestones to look back on.

We look forward to continuing to work with you all in 2017.

Joint Venture Agreement Unites West Yorkshire Colleges

Earlier this year WYCC Principals signed a Joint Venture Agreement symbolising their commitment to working together to fulfil the region’s skills priorities and comes fully supported by the LEP and other key strategic partners.

The Agreement powerfully demonstrates the next phase of partnership working and enhances the already extensive contribution made to assisting businesses, individuals and skill levels across the region through access to funding of over £150m to support training since 2002.

Read more here

Area Review

Following the Area Review consultations which took place earlier this year, the final report has now been published (link below) and highlights the WYCC Joint Venture in terms of its commitment to stimulate collaborative innovations, provide efficiencies through a shared approach to tenders and maximise funding opportunities of benefit to the local economy.

Access the Area Review report here

Skills Plan Unveiled at Annual Conference

Once again WYCC joined forces with the wider LCR Skills Network to host the Network’s Annual Skills Conference at Leeds City College’s Printworks Campus over summer.

The conference marked the fifth of its kind and brought together a wealth of senior representatives from our colleges, universities and the city region’s provider network alongside the LEP to launch the LEP’s Plan for Skilled People, Better Jobs as well as reveal preview findings from the latest labour market intelligence.

Presentations from the event along with the Skills Plan and Labour Market Analysis 2016/17 can be found here.

Appointment of New Chair

Following Peter McCann’s retirement earlier this year, Ian Billyard, Principal of Leeds College of Building was appointed Chair of WYCC and the wider Leeds City Region Skills Network.

Speaking about his appointment, Ian said: “I am delighted to be Chairing the Consortium at a time when we are poised to be responsive and perform to the fullest in order to address the skills challenges facing the region.”

Read the full article here.

Calderdale College Wins AoC Beacon Award for Employer Engagement

Congratulations to Calderdale College who won the AoC Beacon Award for Employer Engagement announced at last month’s AoC conference.

Louise Tearle, Partnership Director said:

“The award recognises extensive work with businesses across the region and beyond and reflects the college’s outstanding reputation for employer engagement - congratulations to all involved.”


Over 5,000 training courses part-funded by LEP Skills Service

More than 5,000 training courses have been undertaken by employees across the Leeds City Region since February 2015 with support from the LEP skills service.

Businesses have upskilled staff in everything from project management to welding qualifications with over £3m worth of training grants.

Companies have also taken advantage of the wider support offered from the service including help with sourcing training provision and creating skills plans.

Louise Tearle, Partnership Director for West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges (WYCC) added: “As the Consortium responsible for delivering the service we are delighted to see that so many companies have been able to access support from the service in order to develop their business through investment in skills and training.

We are delighted that the service is playing such a significant role in helping companies fulfill their growth potential by addressing skills gaps.”

Read the full article here which includes a number of case studies.

The skills service is time limited and businesses are encouraged to contact the team on 0113 386 1910 or skills@the-lep.com to ensure they don’t miss out on the support and funding.

The LEP skills service is delivered on behalf of WYCC by a consortium made up of Calderdale College, Leeds City College, West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry with training provided by a wide range of partners including further education colleges, universities and private training organisations delivering specifically to the needs of businesses.

Future Funding Opportunities & Activities

For more updates on the Consortium’s activities and future funding opportunities, continue to visitwww.westyorkshirecolleges.co.uk