12 April 2016

WYCC Delighted to Support Step Up Into Construction Project

Leeds College of Building have been granted over £1million to address the major skills shortages and build talent in the construction industry through the ‘Step Up Into Construction’ project.

collaborative partnership

This collaborative partnership between West Yorkshire Colleges and key organisations throughout the Leeds City Region will facilitate valuable work placements, supported by a wide range of employers and help people develop the skills required to embark on a successful career in construction, with the outcome being sustained employment for participants.

addressing skills shortages

Louise Tearle, Partnership Director of WYCC comments “It’s great to see Colleges in West Yorkshire working together through this exciting project that will give people in the Leeds City Region the opportunity to develop a career in such a fast growing industry and addressing skills shortages for the region – a key priority for the LEP.”

For more information about the Step Up Into Construction (SUIC) project please visit: https://www.lcb.ac.uk/

Step Up Into Construction is funded through the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme (ESIF) 2014-2020 and match funded by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).