Skills Bootcamps

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Skills Bootcamps supporting documents. Please note, Skills Bootcamps fall under WYCA's Skills Connect brand so marketing and branding guidance is the same for both Skills Connect (Gainshare) and Skills Bootcamps.

Contracting and Delivery

Skills Bootcamp Toolbox
Download File

Skills Bootcamps Eligibility and Outcomes Guidance
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Evidence Grid
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Claim Submission Form
Download File

Skills Connect Claim and Payment Schedule
Download File

Skills Bootcamps Privacy Notice For Applicants and Participants
Download File

Skills Bootcamps Privacy Notice For Employers
Download File

Skills Bootcamps Participant Start Form
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Participant Completion and Progression Form
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Participant Progression Form
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Progression Employer Letter - Increased Responsibilities - Co Funded Participants Only
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Progression Employer Letter - New Role
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Progression Self-Employed Letter and Action Plan
Download File

Skills Connect Participant Evaluation
Download File

Skills Bootcamp Participant Withdrawal Form
Download File

Marketing and Branding

WYCC Skills Connect Branding and Communications Checklist
Download File

WYCA Communications Toolkit with links to graphic templates
Download File

West Yorkshire Combined Authority stakeholder communications toolkit
Download File

WYCA WYCC Skills Connect Participant Case Study Template
Download File

WYCA WYCC Skills Connect Training Provider Case Study Template
Download File

WYCA and Mayoral Brand Guidelines
Download File

WYCA and Mayoral Logo lock up PNG navy
Download File

Futuregoals Skills Connect Style Sheet
Download File

WYCA Skills Connect Video and Photography Consent Form
Download File