More Skills Better Jobs

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The More Skills Better Jobs (£2.2m) contract encouraged employers to work with our training partners to develop and deliver learning opportunities for low skilled, low paid adults.

The contract built on the recommendations from the ‘More Jobs, Better Jobs’ research carried out by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Leeds City Region LEP and Leeds City Council, and the recommendations of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Lower Paid Workers Commission

The target group for More Skills Better Jobs were those employed and in receipt of means tested benefits and employed women in low paid work.

Contracted by WYCC, the Joint Venture Colleges worked closely with employers to deliver training programmes to low paid, low skilled workforces. The format of these programmes were adapted on a case by case basis to be accessible to the workforce.

WYCC also facilitated a series of projects to test methods and seek solutions to overcome barriers faced by those in low paid work through a series of Action Research Demonstrators designed to test new skill approaches to address the ‘In-Work Poverty’ agenda.

Facilitated by WYCC, the activities tested the findings of key national and regional research that has identified barriers, and potential solutions to workplace-progression.

This project is now in closure/evalutation.