Enhance your skills

Courses for current and former West Yorkshire Apprentices

You could be entitled to a fully funded, short course to top up your work skills. The Collaborative Apprenticeships project offers a wide variety of training opportunities for current apprentices across colleges in the region. The subjects on offer will develop additional skills and knowledge to help broaden your expertise and confidence. The courses are part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) which means they are free to eligible apprentices.

We've teamed up with Virtual College Ltd to offer a range of fully funded courses to current apprentices and former apprentices of West Yorkshire Colleges that meet the criteria.

Virtual College short courses

Personal and Professional Development

Presentation Skills

A short course designed to help the learner to develop and deliver an effective presentation.

Time Management

A short course giving the learner an understanding of what good time management means, and how to implement this into their practice.

Confidence Building

A short course to give learners an understanding of confidence and allow them to assess their own confidence and discover ways to build that confidence including action planning to do so.

Personal Brand

A short course giving the learner the ability to understand what personal brand is and how they can develop their own personal brand and communicate this.

Growth Mindset

A short course designed to give the learner an understanding of what growth mindset is and how to implement this to improve their own practice.


A short course designed to give the learner an understanding of what it means to be resilient and how to implement this to improve their own practice.

For more information about eligibility for these courses please contact Jas.Hayre@westyorkshirecolleges.ac.uk

Carbon Literacy Knowledge and Mental Health Awareness Training

The duration of this course is approximately 3-4 hours - the length of time taken depends entirely on how quickly you can study and absorb the material. You do not have to complete all the training in one session and can proceed as quickly or as slowly as you like. After completing all of the training material you will be able to take the online assessment which consists of 15 questions (taken at random from a database) and has a pass mark of 80%. Once you have undertaken all of the activities, passed the online assessment and completed the relevant evaluation you will be able to download and print your certificate, please make sure that your name is correct as this will appear on your certificate.

Mental Health Awareness: This course covers the different aspects of your life and how you can improve your mental health and wellbeing in those areas. Aimed at anyone who wishes to improve their mental health and wellbeing, the course takes around one hour to complete.

To access the course on the Virtual College platform here: LINK