25 March 2022

Kirklees College’s Green Team

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The Kirklees Climate Commission focuses on engaging with young people across Kirklees to raise awareness of sustainable and environmental activities and initiatives. As a member of the sub-group Young People, Kirklees College has held events with schools, colleges and University of Huddersfield students to discuss what sustainable initiatives students can implement with the support of staff. The Climate Commission is keen to involve young people across Kirklees to promote sustainability within schools, colleges and universities as well as within their home environment.

In February the college launched ‘The Green Team’ to work with students and staff to share sustainable practices and listen to the views and key priorities within the college that I can then feed into The Commission.

Part of the Green Team’s work is to engage with curriculum departments to promote courses and learning opportunities in sustainability and limiting environmental impact. There are many training needs linked to the environment that Kirklees College will play a key role in developing in the coming years such as electrical vehicle maintenance or improving biodiversity through sustainable landscaping.


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